
John, more than any other Gospel writer, reveals the deity of Christ. Jesus was not simply a perfect man, He was the God-man – the man who was also God. Christ was not God in disguise, but God in the flesh. Jesus became one of us, possessing as His very own a true and full human nature from His conception. John brings that out wonderfully, again and again. In this study of the Gospel of John, we will get a fresh look at Jesus and see firsthand what God is like.

Date Title Share Download Play
02/14/25 When God Became One of Us
01/14/06 John’s Gospel
01/28/06 Jesus and Creation
02/04/06 As Many as Received Him
02/11/06 Tabernacle of God is with Men
02/18/06 The Silence is Broken
02/25/06 The First Disciples
03/04/06 The Joy of the Lord
03/11/06 The Cleansing of the Temple
03/18/06 Jesus and Nicodemus